Your Local 542 Rank & File Executive Board
Jaime Vasquez / Principal Officer & Secretary-Treasurer
Phone: (619) 582-0542 Ex 116
E-mail: jvasquez@teamsters542.org
- Teamster for 28 years
- By way of Eco-Air (now known as Precision Air) Warehouse worker
“We are all born to serve.”
Dwayne Garrett / President
Phone: (619) 582-0542
E-mail: dgarrett@teamsters542.org
- Teamster for 34 years
- By way of CF (Consolidated Freight), then Yellow Freight F/T Commercial Driver
Mike West / Vice President
Phone: (619) 977-9107
E-mail: Mwest@teamsters542.org
- Teamster for 21 years
- By way of US Foods Service (Vista) Class A delivery driver
“When the membership is unified and knowledgable, there’s no stopping them from making huge gains in their workplaces.”
Phone: (619) 582-0542
- Teamster for 28 years
- By way of UPS
“Without the brave few standing up, we all fall.”
Ed Swank / Trustee
Phone: (619) 582-0542
- Teamster for 25 years
- By way of Costco
“United we stand, divided we fall.”
Business Agents
Skilled Negotiators at the Helm
The Business Agents at Local 542 are experts in their field, with a deep understanding of the needs and challenges faced by our members. They have firsthand experience with the issues that you may be facing and are well-versed in the contract that governs your rights and protections. They are uniquely equipped to help you navigate the agreement and enforce your rights.
Shelly Allsup / Business Agent
Phone: (619) 481-2622
E-mail: sallsup@teamsters542.org
- Teamster for 32 years
- By way of UPS
“I’d rather die fighting on my feet than live surrendering on my knees”
Ruth Duarte / Business Agent – Imperial County
Phone: (760) 994-8007
E-mail: rduarte@teamsters542.org
- Teamster for 14+ years
“Through our educational programs, we seek to create an environment where individuals can thrive, and lives can be rebuilt.”
Matthew Snyder / Business Agent
Phone: (619) 961-5477
E-mail: msnyder@teamsters542.org
- Teamster for 19 years
- By way of UPS
“I strive to be the best trade unionist I can through education and representation for all Teamsters Local 542 Members.”
Phone: (619) 403-8658
E-mail: rcutitta@teamsters542.org
- Teamster for 19 years
- By way of UPS
“Educate & represent the membership & continue to hold the companies accountable.”
Eric Wantland / Business Agent
Phone: (619) 818-8092
E-mail: ewantland@teamsters542.org
- Teamster for 20 years
- By way of UPS
“My goal as a business agent is to help members enforce their contract while encouraging the membership to become more engaged in the union.”
Phone: (619) 405-4794
E-mail: csilva@teamsters542.org
- Teamster for 20 years
- By way of Republic Services
“You’re never too old to learn something new, so learn something new every day.”
Adan Pelayo-Mark / Business AgeNT
Phone: (858) 899-5076
E-mail: apelayo-mark@teamsters542.org
- Teamster for 22 years
- By way of UPS
“To help teamsters and non-union workers improve their working conditions and pay through empowerment and collective action.”
Phone: (619) 629-4264
E-mail: dwagner@teamsters542.org
- Teamster for 10 Years
- By way of Yellow Freight
The Role Of Business Agents
Sal Abrica / Political Coordinator/Organizer
Phone: (619) 582-0542
E-mail: sabrica@teamsters542.org
- Teamster for 25 Years
- By way of Canteen Vending (City of Industry)
“Our union’s strength is dependent on our member’s knowledge and ability to be united for the labor movement.”
Office Personnel
Tereza Diaz / Office Staff
Phone: (619) 582-0542 ex 103
E-mail: tdiaz@teamsters542.org
- Teamster for 16 years
“I strive to find ways to increase our involvement within the community as well as making sure our members feel seen as individuals, not just another number.”
Evelyn Fournier / Office Staff
Phone: (619) 582-0542 ex 102
E-mail: efournier@teamsters542.org
- Teamster for 21 years
“To help improve the lives of the members and their families”
Danna Hernandez/ Office Staff
Phone: (619) 582-0542
E-mail: dhernandez@teamsters542.org
- Teamster for 2 years
Communications Director
Chris Martinez / Communications Director
Phone: (619) 509-5457
E-mail: cmartinez@teamsters542.org
- Teamster for 6 years
- By way of volunteering with the organization
“I’ve learned that people will forget what you said and what you did, but they will never forget how you made them feel.” – Maya Angelou
Shop Stewards
The Foundation of the Union
As Union-Management Liaisons, Shop Stewards are the first point of action if a work problem arises. Shop Stewards:
- Represent union members
- Address your concerns and problems
- Answer questions about your contract
- Work with management to solve problems
- Contact your Business Agent when necessary
- Participate in organizing non-union workers
Stewards are Trained and Ready to Help
In addition to fully understanding your contract, Stewards are trained in a variety of areas including problem/conflict resolution, communication skills, and grievance handling.
Main Office
Teamsters Local 542
4666 Mission Gorge Pl
San Diego, CA 92120
Branch Office
Teamsters Local 542
2298 Merrill Center Drive
El Centro, CA 92243